Responsible Electronic Use Guidelines for Students
I have access to the Internet, school networks and electronic devices so I can…
expand my learning;
communicate with others about what I am learning;
research topics for class projects or for my personal learning;
create products highlighting my learning;
learn how to be a responsible and productive digital citizen.
Here are some things I need to know:
Electronic devices include but are not limited to computers, netbooks, iPads, iPods, tablets, cell phones, cameras, and other electronic devices that allow me to create and communicate.
I am responsible for all my online activities that take place through the network connection with my school’s devices or through access with my own personal electronic devices.
I am responsible for obeying all laws, including copyright. This also means I may not use the District logo or other District-owned content on my personal posts.
I do not have the right of privacy when accessing the Internet or network while at school.
Communicating electronically includes using my camera and cell phone to communicate visually.
When communicating electronically, I should ask myself: Is it safe? Is it kind? Is it respectful? Is it appropriate?
I do not have an absolute right to take, publish/post photographs or videos of others at school, as it may impact their individual rights of privacy.
Bullying or harassing someone either in person or electronically is wrong, violates the Code of Student Conduct, and is against the law.
Information I find on the Internet is not necessarily true or accurate.
There are filters to prevent access to inappropriate information, but no filter is perfect. I must protect myself by knowing how to close a window or click on the back button.
I can learn more about being a responsible digital citizen at
Here’s what I agree to do as a responsible and productive digital citizen:
I will follow all school rules and laws when using electronic devices at school.
I will not damage equipment, upload harmful files, damage files, delete files, or access someone else’s files because it impacts others.
I will keep my password to myself and will not share it with others.
I will not search for or try to access obscene, harmful, or inappropriate material.
If I accidentally access inappropriate materials, I will close the window and tell a responsible adult.
I will not post or send hurtful, offensive or inappropriate material.
I will behave honestly, fairly, and with integrity when posting online, including my social networks.
I will follow rules of network etiquette, and I will be polite when communicating with others electronically. I will not use bad language or access messages from others who use bad language.
I will not post or share pictures of others without their knowledge and approval.
I will stay safe and will never meet or give out personal information such as my name, phone number, or address to someone I meet on the Internet without the express permission of my parents and/or teachers.
I will discuss my online activities with my parents so they understand how I am learning to be a good digital citizen.
My teachers and administrators have the right to access whatever I do online while in school if they are concerned about my safety or the safety of others.
I will not use others’ work without permission or without citing their work according to copyright laws.
If I’m not sure how to do something or whether something is okay to access or do, I will ask a responsible adult.
What happens if I violate this agreement and am not a responsible digital citizen?
Violations of this agreement will result in disciplinary action according to the Code of Student Conduct.